Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Little Things [1]

Loved this post I came across this week from someones blog. I hope this makes us all take time to enjoy the life we've been given (:

Making :  Burlap envelopes
Cooking : at home is really starting to beat going out! 
Drinking : melted ice cream 
Reading:  about Solomon; Currently in Kings 1
Wanting: to plant my own mini garden soon
Looking: for new photography locations in PHX
Playing: (attempting) my harmonica 
Wasting: nice spring evenings, always seemed to be behind my computer editing at that hour.
Sewing: A navy summer dress, almost done! 
Wishing: I was going to Romania to visit my family this summer
Enjoying:  talks with friends. These seem to be my favorite lately (: 
Waiting: has really changed me lately.
Liking: to sit out under my patio string lights at night, usually eating something lol 
Wondering:  what I should write here. I wonder what this summer will bring. 
Loving: hearing peoples life stories, for it all point back to Jesus. 
Hoping: I can go visit my lovely friend in Portland for 4th of July 
Marveling: at how well a garden represents us 
Needing:  more patience 
Smelling:  my Daisy perfume 
Wearing: same school polo every day. I need a girls night out to dress up for
Following: my strong urge to buy more shoes! 
Noticing: that I have way too many shoes!
Knowing:  in who’s hands my life is in, God’s (: 
Thinking: about laying out in a hammock somewhere in the woods… 
Feeling: Thankful for just about everything! (: 
Bookmarking:  my to do list with even more errands…can’t wait. 
Opening:  My suitcase from Disneyland/ About time I unpack. 
Giggling: At my brother Daniel. I thank God for a comedian in our family! 
Feeling: stressed because I didn’t finish editing a wedding and I did this instead: D

In the mist of all our busy weeks, if we would take some time and reflect on the little things in our life, we would realize how blessed we truly are!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Key

The key is this: Meet today's problem with today's strength.
 Don't start tackling tomorrow's problems until tomorrow. 
You do no have tomorrows strength yet. You simply have enough for today.

"but the Lord is with me; like a mighty warrior" 
Jeremiah 20:11

Friday, April 11, 2014

Flaviu & Natalia Wedding | Phx, AZ

I love seeing couples this happy on their wedding day! Natalia and Falviu's wedding was filled with nothing more than just tons of love and joy. 
They also had one of the most beautiful wedding ceremony that was filled with surprises from their friends and family from back home. 
And lets not even mention their energetic and fun personality! 
Enjoy (: 

*  All images Copy-write of  Eunice Vesa Photography
                                                                          Please do not copy, alter, or distribute without permission.

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